Exclusive for centers providing online computer support services to clients in USA and UK

Increase your sells, provide licensed antivirus to your customers.

AntiVirus Bargains for you

We are resellers of major antivirus brands - Norton, McAfee, Trend Micro, Watchdog, AVG, BullGuard, ESET, Kaspersky, Panda and many more.

We provide antivirus brands worldwide. Our clients are majorly from USA, Europe and Asia.

We offer all these brands of AntiVirus at discount rates. 

Protecting your computer from threats

In today's world of technology, computers have become an integral part of our lives. We need computers for our daily tasks, be it at work or home.

We have to be always connected to the digital world of internet and with that also comes the threat of viruses, malware's, spam and hackers. These threats make our computers venerable to theft and misuse of our data and personal details.

Protecting our computers from these threats is essential and we need the best AntiVirus to do the job. There are lot of companies providing AntiVirus which take care of all the securities required to safeguard your computers.

You can choose from a wide range of AntiVirus brands, which suits your requirement.


You can buy Norton Security Deluxe for $ 30, online selling price is $ 49. Ref - Norton Website

McAfee Total Protection for $ 25, online selling price is $ 49. Ref - McAfee Website

The prices mentioned above are for single purchases, for bulk orders the price will be quite less, almost 50% of the cost of AntiVirus as sold at stores or on the original websites.

Increase the sales ratio and reduce chargebacks.

Increase your Tech Support sales by providing genuine antivirus licensed software to customers. You can provide Antivirus along with your support services to the new customers or up sell it to the existing customers.

Tips to increase your sales. (Check link)

Research shows that customers are convinced positively when they get an actual product along with the services. Customers trust you 100% as the licensed version is always displayed on their desktop and moreover they experience the results of smooth working computer. Providing a genuine Licensed version of Antivirus also reduces the charge-back ratio's.

Advantages of selling licensed copy.

• Customer gets genuine Antivirus installed on their pc,

• Increases customers trust towards your services,

• Less chargebacks as customer is convinced and aware that you are providing genuine services.

Genuine Licensed Versions.

Don't be confused about these licensed keys as the one available free online which are used illegally on multiple computers, which get blocked and expire in few days and increases the chances of chargebacks.

Our licensed copies are installed under single users and once registered online using customers email id, customer receives an email verifying the same.

Contact us for the best rates of all the AV brands.

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